Saturday, November 10, 2007

Kicking, Screaming, and Careening into the Blogosphere

I love blogs.

Really, I do.

I spend so much time reading them each day (a must for someone in my line of work--any line of work, really) that the idea of creating and maintaining one seems compulsively obsessive.

As the managing editor of a growing independent publishing house (, however, I can no longer avoid the necessity of maintaining a blog. My hope and intent is to comment on matters relating to everything from catching a publisher's eye when submitting a manuscript, to what Savas Beatie is seeking to publish, from our editorial direction to legal issues shaping today's publishing world. A majority of my posts will relate, in one way or another, to what is happening behind the scenes--inside Savas Beatie.

Unlike many managing directors or acquisition editors, I am also a widely published author/editor in my own right, a licensed attorney (I practiced in Silicon Valley for a dozen years), and I have worked for publishers and individuals on a host of matters as a free-lance consultant. (I also teach legal- and history-related classes at night at the college level.) These facts I relate as a way of establishing my bona fides on a rather wide playing field. I am completely confident readers will disagree with some of my opinions and observations, but each of them will rest solidly on a foundation of personal experience.

The publishing world is rapidly changing, and these changes directly affect everyone, including and especially authors (although many writers do not yet realize this).

I do not intend to often comment on comments. Please do not interpret my lack of response for indifference. Time is short, but know that I read every remark and email.

Hopefully, this blog will add something to the discussion.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ted,

    I lok forward to reading your thoughts and comments on the world of Civil War Publishing.

    Regards from the Garden State,

    Steve Basic

  3. Welcome,

    I look forward to you perspectives and opinions. This medium can be a lot of fun.

    Best wishes,

    Mannie Genile

  4. Welcome Mr. Savas. I, too, look forward to your comments and thoughts. BTW, will you entertain questions from authors into the "mysterious" world of publishing?

    Also, I enjoyed Bennett's piece on history and heroes. He's right on. In answer to your question: "Why Don't We Know Our Heroes?" I would respond by referring you to a related post on my blog:


  5. Ted,

    Blogging eh? I'm guessing you weren't looking for new opportunities to squander hours at the keyboard, so that just leaves the obvious: you're seeking some activity so relentlessly all-consuming it will take your mind off the crushing disappointment of another dismal Vikings season.

    For me, there are no distractions big enough to blot out the failures of this year's 49er squad, but you might have better luck.


  6. Welcome, Ted. It's great to have a publisher's presence.

  7. Ted looking forward to reading your blog. Always enjoy chatting with you and buying books at the West Coast Civil War Round Table Conference.
    Best Wishes,
    Susan Sweet

  8. Ted,

    Thanks for taking the time in that utterly schizoid scheduleof yours to share your knowledge and passion. Dear readers, listen up: this is going to be good!

    Colt Foutz, author
    Don Warren and Sixty Years with the World Champion Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps

    December 2007 from Savas Beatie


Please make sure your comment addresses the post specifically. Thanks for stopping by. -tps