Monday, August 11, 2008

The Iron Brigade

I posed this question: "A soldier from which Iron Brigade regiment captured Confederate Brig. Gen. James Archer on July 1, 1863?" The answer was the 2nd Wisconsin, which most people answered correctly.

The Iron Brigade is not a unit I have read all that much about except for In the Bloody Railroad Cut, by Lance Herdegen and William J.K. Beaudot (which covers only the 6th Wisconsin while lightly touching the other regiments), or the occasional piece in Gettysburg Magazine.

Stay tuned for an update on a new book we have coming out October 1 by Lance Herdegen called "Those Damn Black Hats!" The Iron Brigade in the Gettysburg Campaign. Lance's new book is difficult to pigeon hole. Suffice it to say that it is military and social history at its finest, with dozens of previously unpublished photos and sources that help flesh out the Westerners' "finest hours."


1 comment:

  1. Ted,

    I read Mr. Herdegen's 1997 book "The Men Stood Like Iron: How the Iron Brigade Won Its Name" a few years ago and thought it was a fine book.

    I first got introduced to the Brigade by reading the excellent book on them by the late Alan Nolan. Usually stop by their monuments at Gettysburg most trips I make there as well.

    Look forward to getting a copy of Mr. Herdegen's latest work.

    Hope all is well.

    Regards from the Garden State,

    Steve Basic


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