Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gettysburg and Visiting the Field

Having recently returned from Gettysburg (and since I will be there again for at least one day in early June), I have had the opportunity to discuss with many people what they enjoy about visiting that expansive, beautiful park. Everyone seems to have a favorite destination within the park. I know I do.

Hence my question, posed on the left. Think about it, and select your favorite area of the field to visit.

Does it correspond to what you pick up to read?




  1. Great question and post. How can I choose!?? I am getting a headache. So I closed my eyes and selected.


  2. Ted,

    Fine question, but am lucky to leave close by and usually make a few trips down there each year. Know when I used to go there by myself, I would bring a book along about a certain part of the battle, open a lawn chair and read the book. When the usual terrain questions came up while reading, all I had to do was look up. :)

    Hope all is well.


  3. It's hard to pick one spot, but the experience of walking out to the copse of trees and looking across toward the Virginia monument is pretty hard to beat.


  4. I'm a Day 1 guy, but my favorite part of the field is East Cemetery Hill, for aesthetic reasons.

    Let me know when you're going to be coming back out this way.


  5. Darn. I missed you at Gettysburg! I was there the same terrible windy day, too. I might have been in the group your son joined up with on Oak Hill. Only live a couple hours away and get to the field often. If you are going again and get your dates nailed down, please post it so I can try to meet you. I have a couple books I want you to sign!

    Thank you.

    B. Carleton


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