Thursday, September 24, 2009

We would like your assistance.

Please watch this video, produced by the townspeople of Sesser, Illinois, in support of Gary Moore's "Playing with the Enemy."

The good folks of Sesser made this YouTube video to get Oprah to come to Sesser (a very small town where about one-third of the book takes place) and do a show in the Opera House, which they will rename the Oprah House, and hopefully have Gary on her show.

Please share this with your email list, twitter it, blog about it, etc. It is pretty funny even if you don't know about the book or haven't read it. And if you haven't why haven't you!


1 comment:

  1. That is a very funny video. I emailled my list. I read this book really only because you published it and i know you only put out really good books. It made me shed a few tear and has a good message. My son (19) read it and he liked it a lot, and gave it to his friend who is a college pitcher. He raved about it. Was it Elroy Face? Anyway, this is not really a baseball book but a story about the human spirit. It is for everyone IMHO.

    Anyway, thnaks for doing what you are doing.



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