Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Savas Beatie Author Wins Best Book of 2010 Award

The Richard B. Harwell Book Award 2010:

David A. Powell

This prestigious award is given annually by the Civil War Round Table of Atlanta “for the best book on a Civil War subject published in the preceding year.” Consisting of $4,000 and an engraved plaque, the award honors the late Richard B. Harwell, nationally recognized librarian, bibliographer and historian, as well as the first President of the Civil War Round Table of Atlanta. The winning author is invited to appear as a speaker before the CWRTA, usually at the November meeting, during which time the award is presented.

Congratulations David (and to David Friedrichs for his outstanding maps in this title). You deserve the honor bestowed upon you.



  1. VERY well deserved. Congrats to both Davids and the Savas Beatie team!

  2. This is a great book. Bragg wasn't as bad as I thought, and Powell has really embarassed other writers who simply parrot others' work and are unable to do their own.

    Mr. Powell, please write an entire history on the campaign!



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