Saturday, July 20, 2013

The First Annual Savas Beatie Author Conclave--An Opening Salvo in an Exciting New Campaign.

As the managing director of a niche publishing company, it is my job to make sure we continue to generate the revenue to produce the quality books that our customers have come to demand and expect (and enjoy) from Savas Beatie. It is no easy task, especially given the economy of the last five or so years and how that has also affected other aspects that have had a direct impact on operations. But, I have always refused to participate in a recession.
Still,  . . . Borders has shuttered its doors. Barnes and Noble is struggling, mightily. It might be the next major casualty within a few years. There are many different outlets available that, in one way or another, compete with our old fashioned books (truly one of our favorite loves), including the Internet, social media, streaming movies, and so forth. In the end, this hurts all of use, including authors. Today, it is more important than ever that authors take an active role in the success of their book.

As Sarah Keeney, our marketing director mentioned the other day on Facebook (Savas Beatie LLC), we are fairly well known within our industry for good solid marketing. We have never been the company that  pretends it is marketing well by throwing a few dollars into a display ad, sending out a PR, and then moving on to the next book. We have always been dedicated to the proposition that authors deserve our support, and there are many ways to promote and sell books (the worst of which is in a traditional bookstore--grist for another post).

To that end, with the problems stacking up against our industry as noted above, I decided to add "muscle" to our marketing arm by doing more to help "market and brand" our authors. To that end, we have created an entirely new position by hiring an Author Liaison Specialist, someone gifted in communications and marketing whose sole task is to “market and brand” our authors. That’s all she will do. "Michele" begins with us on August 5, a few days after the conclusion of the First Annual Savas Beatie Author Conclave. She will work closely with our authors on all related matters--blogs and content, article placement, signings, radio and TV, help develop content for marketing, and much much more.

Pulling back the curtain a bit more . . . the
First Annual Savas Beatie Author Conclave is the opening shot in this new and exciting campaign. Sarah (marketing manager), Helene (accounts manager), and your humble correspondent (chief custodian) will be explaining this to our authors and a few others next week in Gettysburg. It promises to be interesting. Stay tuned.

Have a great weekend.


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