Friday, September 13, 2013

"Grant and the Rewriting of History" Chapter Excerpt: "The Relief of Rosecrans"

According to our marketing department, we are offering a FREE with a signed author book plate if you stand on your head and drink a beer through a straw. Or something. (See below for details).

We have posted a chapter excerpt from General Grant and the Rewriting of History: How the Destruction of General William S. Rosecrans Influenced Our Understanding of the Civil War, by Frank Varney (Savas Beatie, 2013). We think you will find this very interesting reading. As professor Varney has told me,"I don't care whether everyone agrees with me or not. I just want them to think about the sources and think for themselves about what they tell us."

Here is the link on Facebook. We encourage you to copy the link, the excerpt, download it, print it, and share it with others via email, Facebook, Twitter, and all the social media outlets. 

If you have read the book, please review it on Amazon.

I am curious as to your thoughts, observations. Slings and arrows are also welcome.

FREE BOOK CONTEST: Spread the word. If there are 20+ shares on FB with 20+ comments about some substantive aspect of the excerpt, we'll select one lucky winner for a free copy of the book! 

Have a great weekend. Go Vikings. 

-- tps

1 comment:

Please make sure your comment addresses the post specifically. Thanks for stopping by. -tps