Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hard Rock and Civil War Publishing--A Great Mix.

I must apologize for the lack of recent posts.

Last February my brother and I formed a new band. We used to play all over the Midwest (1979-1981), and set it aside to go back and/or finish college. Careers, marriage, and kids followed, and not a week went by without discussing how much we enjoyed our days in "Disciple," and how fast those days passed us by.

Recently, we decided to give it another go and formed "Arminius." The pressures of travel and aiming for mega success are long past, but the creativity and fun remain.

Our first gig was on May 1, 2014, with three other bands at the famous Boardwalk rock club in Orangevale, California. We had 200+ rocking fans, and delivered a 40-minute power set of UFO, Black Sabbath, Def Leppard, Angel City, and some original material. What a ball. Looks like we snagged another give gigs out of that one.
Arminius is (left to right): Jack Petterle (drums), Anthony Savas (lead guitar), Ted Savas (bass, vocals),Jay Scheuer (vocals), and Sasha Avanov (lead guitar)

 Recently, we decided to give it another go and formed "Arminius." The pressures of travel and aiming for mega success are long past, but the creativity and fun remain. Our first gig was on May 1, 2014, with three other bands at the famous Boardwalk rock club in Orangevale, California. We had 200+ rocking fans, and delivered a 40-minute power set of UFO, Black Sabbath, Def Leppard, Angel City, and some original material. What a ball. Looks like we snagged another give gigs out of that one.

Now that things have settled down (a bit), expect more posts as we heat up into the Summer Season of strong releases.

(And if you are on Facebook, you can look up my personal page, friend me, and see all the photos, and some video soon to go up.)


1 comment:

  1. Rock on Mr. Publisher. Another reason to love your books.


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