XHello all,
First, I apologize for not regularly posting. It has been a very long year (outside publishing) and I am finally getting back to speed. I promise to post regularly, and will try to make them as interesting, helpful, and worthwhile as possible.
As you can imagine, we receive bucket loads of emails, calls, faxes, etc., about title status, what is coming up, and so forth. Here are three updates on major titles that receive significant attention:

2) The Petersburg Campaign: The Eastern Front Battles (vol. 1), by Edwin C. Bearss with Bryce Suderow. This was delayed for some time, again my fault alone. It is fully edited, formatted, and we are awaiting the last of the maps while our production manager works with Bryce to place the photos. I am happy to say that George Skoch is drafting the maps (I believe there are 25 maps in just this volume) and they are really outstanding. We will be offering samples in the Libri Novus e-letter on the first of April, together with Bearss' Foreword, so make sure you read that. If you do NOT get our free monthly e-letter, click here for our homepage and enter your email in the top left box. That's it.
We anticipate getting this to the printer about April 15, and having it back the first week of June. Vol. 2 (Battles of the Western Front) is already nearly edited and about to be formatted, so we will be working hard to follow up with that as well.
.3) The Ultimate Marine Recruit Guidebook, by Nick Popaditch. This was delayed a long, long time because of Nick's desire to run for Congress in 2010 and other commitments (which we wholeheartedly supported). He is running again this year in a redrawn district (California 53), but the book is done, editor Rob Ayer is sending the chapters to production, and Nick is submitting the final photos this week. It is very similar to our other successful guidebooks (Basic Training, ROTC, Air Force, OCS, etc.) but what stands out is that Nick was an active duty Marine for 16 years, and spent three of those years as a drill instructor. The demand for this title is very strong.

Thanks again for your patience, support, and interest in what we do. We have an amazing slate of titles this spring and fall, and are looking forward to bringing them to you.