Below is a press release we sent out a couple days ago. All books are available through your local bookseller, or from
Savas Beatie directly with a SIGNED bookplate.
Savas Beatie, LLC, is excited to announce the following historical awards and notable mentions.
“We are proud of our authors and titles,” noted managing director Theodore P. Savas, “and are humbled and honored by these awards and honorable mentions. The fact that two titles placed as finalists in the same category was especially gratifying.”
WINNERThe Army Historical Foundation Distinguished Writing Award for Operational / Battle History, 2008The Army Historical Foundation met for its Twelfth Annual Members Meeting on June 14th, 2009, at Mount Vernon, the estate of George Washington, and bestowed the award upon . . .
"Those Damned Black Hats!" The Iron Brigade in the Gettysburg Campaign, by Lance J. Herdegen (Savas Beatie, 2008)
This includes a $1,000 cash award and a special plaque.
About the Author: Award-winning journalist Lance J. Herdegen is the former director of the Institute of Civil War Studies at Carroll University. He previously worked as a reporter and editor for the United Press International (UPI) news service covering national politics and civil rights. He presently is historical consultant for the Civil War Museum of the Upper Middle West. He is also the author of several books. Lance lives in Wisconsin.
FINALIST / RUNNER-UPThe Army Historical Foundation Distinguished Writing Award for Operational / Battle History, 2008
Saratoga: A Military History of the Decisive Campaign of the American Revolution, by John F. Luzader
About the Author: John Luzader is a veteran of World War II and a graduate of West Virginia University and the University of Texas. He worked for the U.S. Department of Defense as a research historian before transferring to the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Park Service. John conducted extensive archival and ground research for the preservation and interpretation of Saratoga National Historic Park. He eventually planned and researched museum and outdoor exhibits for twelve national historical parks and served as the NPS’s central history office staff historian for the colonial and revolutionary periods. He lives with his wife Jean in a West Virginia retirement community.
FINALISTThe Army Historical Foundation Distinguished Writing Award for Biography, 2008 Major General Robert E. Rodes of the Army of Northern Virginia: A Biography, by Darrell L. Collins
About the Army Historical Foundation: It was established in 1983 as a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the history and heritage of the American soldier. Toward that goal, the Foundation’s Board of Directors has established an annual awards program to recognize books that have made a distinctive contribution to U.S. Army history.
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As I noted a week or so ago, The Douglas Southall Freeman Award for Best Book on Southern History, 2009 (which includes a $1,000 cash award and a special plaque) was awarded to Darrel Collins'
Major General Robert E. Rodes and the Army of Northern Virginia.
Click here for details from that post.
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The Freeman History Award recognizes the author who writes the best work in Southern history published within the last year.
“Every publisher of American history dreams of winning this prestigious award," said Theodore Savas of Savas Beatie. "I grew up reading Dr. Freeman’s Pulitzer Prize-winning work on both George Washington and Robert E. Lee, as did many who work in this field. I know Mr. Collins is very excited and honored by this award.”
About the Author: Darrell L. Collins has written several books. He lives with his wife Judith in Conifer, Colorado.
FINALISTThe Indie Book Awards, Autobiography / Memoirs 2009Once a Marine: An Iraq War Tank Commander’s Inspirational Memoir of Combat, Courage, and Recovery, by Nick Popaditch with Mike Steere

“Once a Marine is a spirited tribute to the character, perseverance, and bravery of those men and women who fight for our freedoms,” explained Savas. “Nick ‘Gunny Pop’ Popaditch’s outstanding account of how he survived a rocket-propelled grenade to the head that left him largely blind and partially deaf, and how he regained his sense of honor and dedication to himself, to his family, and to his country. His story is as amazing as it is awe-inspiring.”
About the Author: Nick is a Silver Star winner, and was declared legally blind. He is finishing college at San Diego State University and wants to be a high school history teacher. Nick is a featured speaker at events around the country, and has appeared on national TV and radio. Nick was made famous as “The Cigar Marine” when his tanks surrounded Firdos Square in April 2003 and helped take down the statue of Saddam Hussein. The enduring image, now part of American history, appeared on the front pages of scores of newspapers around the world.